"I want
to number
filenames: pic01.jpg, pic02.jpg,..."
- Check Insert
- Insert " $" or " $$" or
"$$$"... depending on how many leading zeros you want
to have
- Set the Inserting position
("1" inserts number at position
" 0" at the
"I want
to change the extension to .mp3"
Old file names
Mariah Carey - Hero.ps
Madonna - Like a virgin.xls
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.ps
New file names
Mariah Carey - Hero.mp3
Madonna - Like a virgin.mp3
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3
- Check Extension instead of Name
- Make the Replace This Field empty. This means, that the whole
will be replaced. Set Replace To to "mp3".
"I want
to delete the extension"
Old file names
Mariah Carey - Hero.mp3.bmp
Madonna - Like a virgin.mp3.bmp
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3.bmp
New file names
Mariah Carey - Hero.mp3
Madonna - Like a virgin.mp3
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3
- Check Wholename instead of Name
- Make the Replace This Field empty. This means, that the whole
will be replaced. Set Replace To to "<n>".
"I want
to correct a typo in the file names"
Old file names
Klaudia Schiffer 01.jpg
Klaudia Schiffer 02.jpg
Klaudia Schiffer 03.jpg
New file names
Claudia Schiffer 01.jpg
Claudia Schiffer 02.jpg
Claudia Schiffer 03.jpg
- Check Replace
- Set the Replace this field to
- Set the Replace To field to "Claudia"
"I want
to add a leading zero to EXISTING numbers"
Old file names
New file names
(The values of the numbers stay the same)
- Check Add leading zero and define how many zeros (or how
many spaces, or whatever)
"I want
to change existing numbers to totally new numbers" (renumber)
Old file names
New file names
- Check Add leading zero and define how many zeros (or how
many spaces, or whatever).
- Check New (New means new
number = re-number)
- Optionally you can set the starting value
and the stepping value.
"I have
downloaded files with different names. Now I want to rename and renumber
Old file names
New file names
Claudia Schiffer 01.jpg
Claudia Schiffer 02.jpg
Claudia Schiffer 03.jpg
- Check Replace
- Make the Replace this field empty. This means, that the whole name
will be replaced.
- Set the Replace To field to
"Claudia Schiffer $$".
"I have
downloaded files 001.jpg, 002.jpg. Now I want to insert a name before the
Old file names
New file names
Claudia Schiffer 02.jpg
Claudia Schiffer 04.jpg
Claudia Schiffer 35.jpg
- Check Insert
- Insert "Claudia Schiffer" or
"I want
to number files '100' down to '1' not '1' to '100'. How can I do
Old file names
pic 1.jpg
pic 2.jpg
pic 3.jpg
New file names
pic 100.jpg
pic 099.jpg
pic 098.jpg
- Make the same steps as with normal numbering, but just reverse the
sort order. So instead of sorting by name ("n"), just
reverse sort by name ("-n").
See also how_can_i_reverse_the_sort_order.htm
"I want
to make random
- Type into Insert field "<clu#>"
as often as you like.
This will insert a char, that can be uppercase ("u"),
lowercase ("l") or a digit ("#").
Thus to insert digits and uppercase chars it would be "<cu#>"
and so forth.
To insert a random number, which ranks from 1 to the number of files
- Type into Insert field "<#r>"
"I want
to insert STAR TREK's stardate/startime"
- Check Insert
- Type in "<dxxxxxxx>.<tfff>"
(stardate type 1)
type in "<dXXXXXXX>.<tfff>"
(stardate type 2)
song title should be in lowercase letters (except the first word and after
Old file names
bryan Adams - VANISHING (REMIX).mp3
MADONNA - borderline.mp3
paul mccartney - koala bear.mp3
mc hammer - can_t touch this.mp3
New file names
Bryan Adams - Vanishing (Remix).mp3
Madonna - Borderline.mp3
Paul McCartney - Koala Bear.mp3
MC Hammer - Can't touch this.mp3
- Uncheck Typical Song standards,
as it would change all " - " to
- Set " - " as the name-extension separator (instead of
"."), to split the artist from the song title.
- Set First change case to to "lowercase".
- Set Then change case to to "English Style"
(Every Letter Of Every Word).
- Check also I am McDonald's. This
will uppercase intelligently "MC" instead of "Mc"
and "McCartney" instead of "Mccartney".
- Rename by pressing the Start button.
"Now the artist's beginning letters should be uppercase."
- To process the song title set Extension instead of
- Set Then change case to to "First (And
breaks)". This will change the song title's letters to lowercase
except the first letter and after Brackets ([{, thus " (REMIX)" becomes
"(Remix)" instead of "(remix)".
- If you have checked Replace _ if possible
then "Can_t touch this" becomes "Can't touch this"
"I want
to delete the artist"
Old file names
madonna - like a virgin.mp3
michael jackson - thriller.mp3
george michael - i want your sex.mp3
New file names
like a virgin.mp3
i want your sex.mp3
- Change to Expert Mode (press F2)
- Uncheck Typical Song standards,
as it would change all " - " to
- Set " - " as the name-extension
separator (instead of ".") and set to First
Occurence. This will define everything before the first
" - " as name and everything
after it as extension.
- Check Whole Name instead of
- Make the Replace This Field
empty. This means, that the whole name will be replaced.
- Define the Replace by Field as "<e>".
"I want
to delete beginning numbers"
Old file names
1- madonna - like a virgin.mp3
21- madonna - borderline.mp3
3- michael jackson - thriller.mp3
406- george michael - i want your sex.mp3
New file names
madonna - like a virgin.mp3
madonna - borderline.mp3
michael jackson - thriller.mp3
george michael - i want your sex.mp3
- Check Kill beginning number &.. and define
the input field as "- ". This will delete all
beginning numbers,
which are followed by "- ".
"I want
to delete existing numbers"
Old file names
madonna -01 like a virgin.mp3
michael jackson -03 thriller.mp3
george michael -09 i want your sex.mp3
New file names
madonna - like a virgin.mp3
michael jackson - thriller.mp3
george michael - i want your sex.mp3
- Check Swap/Add and set the separator
to "$". This will define a number as a separator.
- Set the swap field to "<1><2>".
"I want
to swap the artist
and title"
Old file names
Vanishing - Bryan Adams.mp3
Just Like Paradise - David Lee Roth.mp3
New file names
Bryan Adams - Vanishing.mp3
David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise.mp3
- Uncheck Typical Song standards,
as it would change all " - " to
- Check Swap/Add (leave the field "<2><0><1>").
- Define the Separator field, usually it would be " -
" for
"I want
to swap the first name and the last name of the artist"
Old file names
Adams, Bryan - Waking Up The Neighbours - 06 - Vanishing.mp3
Lee Roth, David - Skyscraper - 02 - Just Like Paradise.mp3
New file names
Bryan Adams - Waking Up The Neighbours - 06 - Vanishing.mp3
David Lee Roth - Skyscraper - 02 - Just Like Paradise.mp3
- Uncheck Typical Song standards,
as it would change all " - " to
- Set " - " as the name-extension separator
(instead of "."). So 1-4a rename only renames
everything BEFORE " - ".
If you have many " - "
in your filenames like in this example then you can set 1st
occurence instead of "last".
- Activate Swap/Add and set the separator to ",
" and the Swap field to "<2> <1>". So
"David Lee" gets swapped with "Roth".
"I want
to delete the album name"
Old file names
Bryan Adams - Waking Up The Neighbours - 06 - Vanishing.mp3
David Lee Roth - Skyscraper - 02 - Just Like Paradise.mp3
New file names
Bryan Adams - Vanishing.mp3
David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise.mp3
- Uncheck Typical Song standards,
as it would change all " - " to
- Set " - " as the name-extension separator (instead of
- Activate Swap/Add and set the separator to " -
" and the Swap field to "<1>".
"I want
to change the position of existing numbers to the front"
Old file names
New file names
- Check the Swap/Add field and set
Separator to "$". This
will treat a number as a separator.
- Set the Swap field to "<0><1><2>"
file names are longer than 64 chars. I cannot write them on my CD-Rs"
Check Shorten to 64 chars. This
will delete unnecessary spaces after brackets within the file name. So
"Thriller (Remix)" becomes "Thriller(Remix)".
NO letters get lost with this function.
You may also check Desctruct to 64 chars.
This is more brutal. You will lose letters with this function. It will
abbreviate parts of the file name, and you usually should only use it on
the song title and not the artist's name.
(Remix)" would become "Thriller (Mix)"
and if this didn't help it would become "Thriller (X)".
"Version" becomes "Ver"
or even "V". "Edit"
becomes "E", " at
" becomes "@", "someone"
becomes "some1", "You"
becomes "U" and "You are"
could even become "UR"and so
As you see this is brutal, but often it helps. This is also a function
I use with very long file names. File names which are very long (like 250
letters) tend to be cut automatcally by windows 95/98/2000 when they are
moved to subfolders. To prevent this I use this Desctruct to 64 chars
function to make the files
as short as possible.
Here an example:
Original filename:
"A Chechen woman from Grozny looks through a
bus window while crossing the Chechen-Ingush border from Chechnya on
Jan.10.,not far from the Ingush village of Sleptsovskaya,a haven for
refugees fleeing the fighting between Russian troops and Chechen
Shortened version (35 letters less). It is harder to read, but at least
you don't lose information:
"A Chechen woman fr.Grozny loox thru a bus
window while crossng t'Chechen-Ingush border fr.Chechnya on Jan.10,not far
fr.t'Ingush villH o'Sleptsovskaya,a haven4refugees fleeng t'fightng
betw.Russian troops&Chechen rebels.jpg"
You may also check NoSpaceBetweenLetters,
where "Lenny Kravitz - Are you gonna go my way.mp3"
which would result in "LennyKravitz - AreYouGonnaGoMyWay.mp3".
As you can see letters are uppercased.
You may also check No doubles,
which would result in
"Madona - Nothing realy maters"
(Madonna - Nothing really matters).
If you check Kill Vowels you
would get a result like
"Grg Mchl - Jss to a chld"
Michael - Jesus to a child). This should be really used
only if you're about to commit suicide, because you have no idea how to
get the file name to 64 letters. Kill Vowels doesn't
shorten words which are 2 letters or less.
Finally you should check Undo when still too long
to let 1-4a rename leave the filename unshortened, when it failed to
make the file name shorter than 64 letters.
You could also check Replace and erase
the Replace
this field (thus the whole name will be replaced) and set the Replace to
field to "<n1-60>". This would cut all
letters after letter No.60. But this is very brutal, too.
Note 1:
These shortening functions are usually not to be checked together, but one
after the other. It gives you better results. Note 2: These functions try to shorten the filename from
the end. So they try to keep the beginning unchanged for better
readability. Note 3: All of
these functions will try to make filenames shorter until the
filename+extension is 64 letters. As soon as this length is reached, they
stop. Note 4: It is possible to shorten filenames to even less
than 64 letters. Just press the "OS"
button and define the name restrictions to a maximum file length of, say,
40 letters. So the above functions will continue to shorten/destruct
filenames to 40 letters instead of 64 letters. Note 5: Shorten to 64 chars will stay red, if some files are still remaining too long.
"I want
to renumber the second number, not the first"
Old file
Birthday 2000-01.jpg
Birthday 2000-03.jpg
Birthday 2000_05.jpg
New file names
Birthday 2000-01.jpg
Birthday 2000-02.jpg
Birthday 2000_03.jpg
- Define "$" as the name-extension separator
(instead of ".") and set 1st occurence
(instead of last occurence). This
defines the 1st number as a separator.
- Check Extension (instead of Name)
- Check Add leading
zero and then Renumber
"I want
to UPPERcase the first word"
Old file
dts Digital Transfer Service.doc
dolby digital.pdf
thx-quality standard.msg
sdds© workflow.txt
New file names
DTS Digital Transfer Service.doc
DOLBY digital.pdf
THX-quality standard.msg
SDDS© workflow.txt
- Change the "." of the file-name-separator
to all the possible delimiters (separated by "|").
Example: ".| |-|;|&" defines
a dot, a space,
a dash, a semicolon
and an ampersand to be treated as something,
which ends a word.
- Set to 1st occurence
- Set to "UPPER CASE" in the
green case panel.
"I want
to UPPERcase the last 2 letters"
Old file
Michael Jackson.mp3
Chris Rea.mp3
New file names
Michael JacksON.mp3
Chris REA.mp3
- Check Replace and delete Replace
This. (This will replace the whole filename.)
- Set Replace To to
"I want
to insert a "-" two letters before the end of the filename"
Old file
Michael Jackson.mp3
Chris Rea.mp3
New file names
Michael Jacks-on.mp3
Chris R-ea.mp3
- Set Use Split (instead of Name)
to "-6".
This minus value is used to split 6 letters FROM BEHIND.
- Check Insert and set the Insert
field to "-"
- Set the Insert position field to
There is also another possibility to accomplish the same task. See next
"I want
to delete letters 7 until the end"
Old file
Heavy Cycle.jpg
Light Square.jpg
Green Balloon.jpg
New file names
- Check the Replace field and set Replace
this to "". This
will replace the whole name.
- Set the Replace To to "<n1-6>".
This will replace the whole name by letters 1-6.
Examples: Say you have "Britney
Spears.mp3", then
inserts the name |
"Britney Spears" |
inserts the 2nd letter |
"r" |
inserts letters 3-5 |
"itn" |
inserts letters 3-5, in reversed order |
"nti" |
inserts the last letter |
"s" |
the letter second to the last |
"r" |
the last three letters (letter -3 to letter -1) |
"ars" |
the last three letters, but in reversed order |
"sra" |
from the 10th letter on to the letter before the
last one. |
"pear" |
inserts the 1st letter,
then letters 4 to 3 (from the end),
then the last letter,
then letter 4 |
"Beast" |
<nu10><nu2> <n3><n5>
<n7><n11-14> |
"best PR in years" |
<n6-5><n4><n13><n7> |
"ripe bass entry" |
<n6><n2-3><n12><n5><nl9> |
"presbyterians" |
"I want
to change only letters 2-4"
Old file names
New file names
- Check the Replace field and set Replace
this to "". This
will replace the whole name.
- Set the Replace To to "<n1>xxx<n5->"
"I want
to insert spaces until all file names have the same length"
Old file names
Bryan Adams - Vanishing.mp3
Madonna - Borderline.mp3
Michael Jackson - Thriller.mp3
David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise.mp3
New file names (1)
Bryan Adams - Vanishing.mp3
Madonna - Borderline.mp3
Michael Jackson -
David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise.mp3
New file names (2) (Spaces
are added to the right side)
Bryan Adams - Vanishing
Madonna -
Michael Jackson - Thriller
David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise.mp3
- Set the Insert field to a space " "
- Increase the Inserting position to a large number.
- Set the Insert field to "<c&>"
"I want
to make the file EXTENSION part of the name and set the file extension to .tmp"
Old file names
Walk in the park.bmp
New file names (1)
Walk in the park_bmp.tmp
- Select Wholename instead of Name.
- Check Replace and delete the Replace
This field. (This will replace the whole filename.)
- Set the Replace With field to
"I want
to renumber files, but I have different types of series and don't want to
mix them when I sort"
Instead of this sort
order (sort by name)
schiffer 0001.jpg
schiffer 0002.jpg
schiffer 0003.jpg
schiffer 01.jpg
schiffer 02.jpg
schiffer 03.jpg
turlington 0001.jpg
turlington 0002.jpg
turlington 0003.jpg
Instead of this sort
order (value sensitive sort by name)
schiffer 0001.jpg
schiffer 01.jpg
schiffer 0002.jpg
schiffer 02.jpg
schiffer 0003.jpg
schiffer 03.jpg
turlington 0001.jpg
turlington 0002.jpg
turlington 0003.jpg
Sort like
this: Keep the 2 series with the 4-digit number together
schiffer 01.jpg
schiffer 02.jpg
schiffer 03.jpg
schiffer 0001.jpg
schiffer 0002.jpg
schiffer 0003.jpg
turlington 0001.jpg
turlington 0002.jpg
turlington 0003.jpg
- Set the name-extension separator to "$" (This
will define a number as a separator)
- Sort by "(k)length
of separator".
"I want
to delete everything after the last UPPERCASE letter"
- Insert
in the name-extension separator
field (leave "case" checked).
- Check radio button Extension.
- Check Kill chars and set to
"I want
to make all
files 8.3 DOS names"
- Check Whole Name instead of Name.
- Blank the Replace this field.
- Set the Replace to field to
- If there are any problematic files (like duplicate names) check Don't rename problematic files.
- Press Start button.
- If there have been problematic files check Process
only files wich are currently marked by an X.
- Change the Replace to field to
"<n1-7>$.<e1-3>". This way double file names get
- Press Start button. Repeat the procedure if there are still
problematic files.
"I want
to insert file number and file date"
Old file names
Madonna - Like a virgin.mp3
Britney Spears - Oops, I did it again.mp3
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3
New file names
File 1 of 3 [Fri, 05th of Jan 2001] Madonna - Like a virgin.mp3
File 2 of 3 [Mon, 01st of Jan 2001] Britney Spears - Oops, I did it
File 3 of 3 [Mon, 03rd of Nov 1997] Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3
- Check Insert and insert "File <##&> of <#t> [<dDDD, ddcc of MMM
"I want
to sort by the second letter of the name"
Normally "Sorting by name" sorts
by the first letter, of course. Here's a way how you may sort by the
second letter.
Old sort order
Britney Spears - Oops, I did it again.mp3
Madonna - Like a virgin.mp3
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3
New sort order
Madonna - Like a virgin.mp3
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3
Britney Spears - Oops, I did it again.mp3
- Set Split @ to "1"
instead of Name.
- Set Sorting type to "Extension".
"I want
to reverse the filename 'jackson.wav' => 'noskcaj.wav'
- Check Replace
- Leave the Replace this field blank
(this will replace the whole filename)
- Insert "<n-1-1>" into the Replace to